
To send an email to a coach or advisor, please use the following email convention: [email protected]
Activity Grades/Eligibility When & Where Advisor(s)
Art Club 7 & 8 Mondays
1st lunch
room A
Cassandra Woodland
Board Games & Magic: the Gathering Club 8 & 9 Wednesdays
2nd lunch
room 205
Trent Waibel
Boise Brave Mountain Bike Club [club website] 7, 8, 9 see website see website
Brain Break Club 7 & 8 Tuesday and Thursday
1st lunch
room 115
Karen Schow
Chess Club 7, 8, 9   Cyndie Lovitt
Creative Writing Club  7, 8, 9  Tuesdays 2:30-3:30
Wednesdays both lunches
room 5
Lani McDevitt
Crochet & Knitting Club  7 & 8 Fridays
1st lunch
room 110
Mariah Ruth
Drama [club website] (elective) 7, 8, 9 Thursdays
both lunches
room 16
Alicia Wright
Dungeons & Dragons Club  7, 8, 9 Tuesdays
Kate Baker
FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) 7, 8, 9   Janet Novotny
IBOB (Idaho Battle of the Books) [organization website] 7, 8, 9 third quarter
as announced
Kate Baker
Cyndi Winans
Kandi Club 7, 8 Wednesdays
1st lunch
Kate Baker
Kindness Club  8 & 9 Tuesdays
2nd lunch
Ryan Gant
Manga & Anime Club 7, 8, 9 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month
room 216 
Alison Taylor
MathCounts 7, 8 Wednesdays
1st lunch 
room 203
Todd Dean-Erlander
 Minecraft Club 7, 8 Tuesdays
1st lunch
room 219
Amy Wickstrom
Quiz Bowl  7, 8, 9 Wednesdays
both lunches
room 215 (1st lunch)
library (2nd lunch)
Emma Shannon
Snow Riders Club (winter only) 7, 8, 9 as announced
room 3
Brady Meyring
Sources of Strength 7, 8, 9   counselors
Taylor Swift Club  7, 8 Tuesdays
1st lunch
room C 
Riley Lyngar
XBooks Extreme Reading Challenge [program website] 7, 8, 9  as announced
Kate Baker